Overwhelmed by the mass of information on how to build a healthy home to remove mold exposures, harmful chemicals and electromagnetic radiation?

Want to build or renovate a home where you have built-in insurance in place to prevent water damage from creating a mold or bacterial issue. 

Looking to build a new home without the noxious soup of chemicals and/or electromagnetic radiation?

You're a health conscious individual who wants to avoid as many harmful exposures as possible in your home environment.

that's where we can help, read on below.

Do any of these sound like you?

You want a home that brings you closer to the healing rhythms of nature.

A project manual to guide you in you the design, coordination, and management of your project.


Connection to community, live group Q&A meetings, and bonus calls with industry professionals.


Step by step, online educational videos to go at your own pace.


creating a space that brings you restoration without the research.

just imagine...




A self paced course mixed with connection to the community and live calls so that you have full support. Here you will learn the essential steps, from planning your build, to constructing your dream. Each step will be aligned with the most up-to-date techniques and safe materials that promote healthful living. The course is aimed at those who have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Mold illness, and/or EMF sensitivities, but also for any health-conscious individual looking to build a home that promotes optimal wellness and avoid exposure to these harmful toxins. No one should have to deal with environmentally related challenges and I promise there is a better way to build that doesn't leave your team confused and/or irritated with your goal toward building a healthier home.

next round begins in June 2024

"Incredibly satisfied. I am blown away by the caliber of resources you have put together, and it feels like a really thorough program."

"This program has been amazing because I came in with very little to no knowledge on building. I learned more than I can put here. I learned what I don't know 🤣"

"INCREDIBLY helpful! Even with lots of previous research and some experience in the industry, I have learned so much and have altered the plans for our Dream Home to reflect new and better information from this program. And I appreciate that nothing is evil or off limits and you encourage us to find our own comfort zone."

What people are saying...

“Working with you has put me more at ease with my brand new build! Given my health anxiety, I was stressed about the toxin exposures but I actually think I can be less anxious given your recommendations and enjoy my new house!"

Wondering whats in the COURSE?




Lots of Bonus Content

Four part online video series training with 20+ lessons detailing each area of your home and what to do

Physical Project Management Binder

100+ Safe Materials List

Lifetime Access

(8) LIVE Group Q&A Calls

(4) Industry Expert Q+A Calls

Access to Private Community (Conscious Construction Collective)

Checklists and guides to support each step of the process

From choosing the best site for your build to preliminary pricing checklists.

Part One - PLAN + PRICE IT

  • Vetting your site

  • Vetting your team

  • Preliminary Pricing Guide (to know if you can afford your build)

  • Space Planning Considerations

Foundation to roof, creating a healthy home starting with the bones and going room by room.

PART Two - shell + DESIGN IT

  • Roof

  • Wall Finishes

  • Cabinets & Countertops

  • Waterproofing
  • Foundation & Floors

  • Wall Assemblies

  • Insulation

  • Openings
  • HVAC Considerations

  • Plumbing Considerations

  • EMF Considerations

  • Lighting Strategies

Bring your home to life with best practices to promote wellness and regulated sleep. 

PART Three - power + plumb it

  • On-site Inspections

  • Project Management Considerations

  • Clean Water

  • Security Systems

  • Landscaping

The building phase of the project, to ensure that your team is following your needs.


- MAclean g.

"I had been doing my own research on less-toxic, more sustainable home building for a few years but was struggling to put all the information together and figure out what was missing. The Conscious Construction Container program was exactly what I needed! While the information was extensive, I didn't feel overwhelmed at any point, and the materials and resources included in the program are incredible. I would highly recommend this program to anyone on their healthy home journey, whether you're a total newbie or have a few past builds/remodels under your belt!"

Removal and prevention of toxins is one of the most important keys to it all. Mold, bacteria, harmful chemicals, and non-native EMF are all discussed.  You will understand where to find them and how the home becomes imbalanced so you can minimize risk. We recommend a safe list of materials, as well as walk you though the process of testing the material to determine your unique reaction to it. The goal is to build a home that aligns with your biology.


The planning phase is where the magic happens. We act as your guide on best practices and how to communicate with all parties to the project.  Having the right people on your team who can openly collaborate to help you reach your goals is imperative.  We help you to see the importance of each of the parties to the project so you have a good team behind you.

collaboration is key

Most of our clients have similar difficulties but each person does have their own focused sensitivities. Determining those prior to building is key to understand what to avoid and to eliminate.  It's not a one size fits all.  There are a variety of opportunities and options to attain your goals when you understand what it is that YOU need. We help you understand what is going to be the best bang for your buck based on YOUR unique sensitivities.


Can you actually help build a home that makes me feel great?

sounds great, but you might be wondering...

- Mallorie and ethan s.

The Conscious Construction Course with Ashley has been more valuable than I could have imagined. The resources she provides are organized, thorough, and contain the latest research and best practices for building a healthy home. My husband and I are currently in the architectural design phase for our new build and have found this course to be exactly what we needed in order to plan and prepare for breaking ground on our new build. Having personally dealt with mold illness from living in moldy homes; this course was fundamental in helping us understand how to reduce opportunities for mold exposure during the building process and how to maintain the home after construction. In addition, this course goes through how to mitigate EMF, chemicals, and so much more! Ashley is amazing, and her passion to help others through this safe home building process is unmatched. She is prompt to answer questions and is able to explain material and concepts in a way that can be understood by anyone! I myself had no building knowledge prior to this course and was able to follow along and feel well informed when communicating with members on our build project. 

After years of struggling with mysterious health issues, I tested positive for mycotoxins in my system—opening my eyes up to the world of toxic mold and bacteria.  After diving into all of the things needed to improve my health, I recognized the important role our environment can have on all of our bodies systems. Mold was an important factor, but I quickly learned mold isn’t the only thing in our environment that can harm our health. 

Building Biology Environmental Consultant

Meet Ashley

  • National Council of Interior Design Qualifications (NCIDQ)
  • Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CPHT)
  • Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC)
  • Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS)
  • New Build Consultant (BBNC), in training
  • Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
  • LEED general associate (LEED GA)

Still on the fence about the course?

schedule free call 

- Christy g.

Ashley has broken down the process of building/remodeling & thoughtfully put together a the Conscious Construction Container. On our calls, she patiently walked us through the intricacies of building a healthy home. Ashley is engaging, responsive, and knowledgeable. When discussing the HVAC system on the house we are remodeling with the technician, he told me I was much more knowledgeable than most clients, all thanks to what I learned from Ashley! If your desire is to build a healthy home, knowledge is power & I highly recommend this course!  

JUNE 2024


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